Disclosure Statement

Making a Living, Sharing and Learning

I taught Social Studies for high school students for seven years and I am currently the new Technology Integration Specialist for Dauphin County Technical School in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  When I am not in the classroom I am part of the Masters program through Boise State University working towards a Masters in Educational Technology with a certificate in Technology Integration.

Blogging Experience

While I don't have much experience with blogging, I am completing this with hopes of bringing it into the classroom setting in the future.  I have seen that it is very resourceful and can be a great place for students to post their views about issues without having the "classroom pressure" and social repercussions that can happen in a high school setting.  At the moment, the other blogs that I am following are those that are part of Boise State University Summer 2013 session class EDTECH 597 (Blogging for the Classroom).

As the owner of this blog, I do not accept forms of cash advertising or sponsorship. I will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.



Business ties: None.

Media ties: None

Memberships/Affiliations: None.

Stocks: None.

Religion: I am a born-again Christian who makes a relationship with Christ the number one thing in my life.  Through reading His Word, prayer, and fellowship with other Christians, I have found Him to be the driving force in my life.  While I do not plan to discuss religion in my blog, it does sometimes surface because it is the key component of my life that keeps me going.

Politics: I am a Republican, but not a right-wing fanatic either.  I believe that abortion is wrong, that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that we as a country have strayed very far from the religious grounds that our country was founded on (like it or not, we were founded on the strongest Christian principles of the time).  I believe in separation of Church and State, but not separation of Church from the State.  At the same time I believe that we as a country have a lot to do, especially when looking at taking care of those that are poor and dispossessed.

A Few Questions

1. Please list your other current employers, whether full time or part time.
  • Dauphin County Technical School
Everything posted on my blog are my personal opinion and do not necessarily represent the views of my employer.

2. For what other employers (consulting) have you worked in the last three years?
  • Avon Grove School District
3. What sort of volunteer work do you do regularly, if any, and for whom? (Please include any public relations, advocacy or advisory board involvement.)
  •  I am involved in my church's volunteer activities (Hillside Christian Fellowship).  This includes, but is not limited to, hosting a Bible study, working with the youth group, and serving in the children's ministry. 
  • My husband and I are hosting a child through the Fresh Air Fund.  The organization takes children out of the Projects of New York City and sends them to homes in the country or suburbs for a time of summer vacation.

4. Do you do any work paid or unpaid in politics or government? Have you done any lobbying of governmental bodies?
  • My mom has always been involved in local politics so while I was living at home I was always personally involved with her election campaigns.  However, I am not currently involved in any politics

5. Do you have any financial investments or financial ties that may limit your ability to cover specific topics free of conflict, and if so, what are the topics?

6. Although we don’t regulate the activities of spouses, partners or immediate family members of our contributors, do any of their professional or personal involvements or any of their financial investments or ties make certain topics inappropriate for you, and if so, what are the topics?

7. Have you accepted any free trips, junkets or press trips in the last two years? Have you accepted any substantial free merchandise or discounts from people we might cover?

8. Has anything you’ve written later resulted in a published editor’s note or retraction for deliberate falsehood or plagiarism or become the subject of a lawsuit involving allegations of deliberate falsehood? (If yes, please include details about the publication and your role in the article or story. If a lawsuit, please describe the disposition of the case.)

Resources used to complete Disclosure Statement

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad we had the opportunity to write a disclosure as it's another way to get to know the other students in the class beyond what we do as a living. It also shows there are other people, even across the country, who have similar beliefs and interests.
    Great work!
