Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Links for Technology Tools

Here is a list of many tools that are available online to help you integrate technology into your classroom:

xTimeLine:  Allows users to create online, interactive timelines
Bubbl: Online brainstorming; useful for group projects and allows for teacher moderation
Gliffy: User friendly program to help generate professional-quality flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, and technical drawings
PrimaryPad: Students and teachers can work together to collaborate and monitor project progress
Scrumy: The site allows a team to assign and manage individual tasks when working on a project with a cumulative ending goal
Wordle: Creates word clouds that can be used to showcase and assess student learning
Wix: Users can create a free website; Google friendly
Remind101: Safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents
QRStuff: Generation of QR codes
GoogleDocs: Allows students to save documents online to access at home; students can also interact with each others' documents online
Slideshare: Users can upload and share PowerPoint presentations


  1. One that I use a lot that isn't on your list is Slideshare. A great way to make your presentation slides available to the public.

  2. Helloo,

    One that really intrigued me is primary pad. I incorporate a lot of 2 to 4 month projects, and based on your description this may be a good way to monitor the progress. I will have to check it out. Thanks a ton!
