Friday, July 26, 2013

History of Technology Integration

This is a short video clip from YouTube that showcases how technology has changed over the years. It brings an interesting thought to mind: over the next few years, how will technology change in the classroom? How do we as teachers make sure that we are staying up to date with the changes that are occurring? With how quickly technology is changing these days, as teachers we need to continually learn about new tools available so we don't fall behind in including it in our classrooms.


  1. Great video Alicen!I think we are on the right track, just by being open to change. Teachers aren't really the driving force in the classroom, especially when things are going well and kids are truly engaged. It will be the students that help educators remain current. Our most important role is to be the facilitators of learning, because there is NO way we can know it all!

    It is exciting to to be a teacher right now and I can hardly wait to see what the future holds for our students and for the profession. It will likely blow our minds!

    1. I absolutely agree that the most important thing that teachers can do is be open to change. The world is always changing, and from our position that change always seems to be happening faster than it used to be. Trying to slow the pace of progress isn't what education is about: it's about preparing our students to move the world forward. We can't do that if we don't move forward with it.

  2. Technology has come quite a long way even in the last ten years. It is important for teachers to remain open to change and get training whenever possible. Integrating everything new type of technology into the classroom would lead to disaster but small steps will help to keep our students on track. I really enjoyed your video.

  3. Small and steady wins the race. That's my policy!
