Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to Escape Education's Death Valley

This post goes against my usual posts based on technology integration.  But when I saw this, I felt that I needed to acknowledge it.  When looking at the last school year, the common theme between every single teacher and staff in the building was stress.  Everyone felt beaten, worn-down, and stressed.  We all felt that we were in the Death Valley of education.  I love when I see video clips like this because it gives me hope that someone outside of education "gets it".  But how do we as educators go about changing it?  We know the changes that need to be makes perfect sense to us!  But how do we show those changes that are needed and start to make the sweeping change that is needed in our country as a whole?


  1. Alicen,
    Thank you for sharing! I am emailing this to my administrator tonight. I think you are right that changes to education, valuing teaching for what it is and what we do, are necessary to change education in America. Thanks!

  2. I love how Sir Robinson highlights very clearly what much of North American education has come to. We have forgotten the importance of well-rounded education, creative thought and the how important teachers actually are. Testing will not improve education, teachers will! We know how to educate students, his example of "alternative education" is exactly right. We can create an eductional revolution one teacher at a time :)

  3. Alicen, just testing posting a comment on your blog from my iPad to see if I can re-create your problem.
