Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to Escape Education's Death Valley

This post goes against my usual posts based on technology integration.  But when I saw this, I felt that I needed to acknowledge it.  When looking at the last school year, the common theme between every single teacher and staff in the building was stress.  Everyone felt beaten, worn-down, and stressed.  We all felt that we were in the Death Valley of education.  I love when I see video clips like this because it gives me hope that someone outside of education "gets it".  But how do we as educators go about changing it?  We know the changes that need to be makes perfect sense to us!  But how do we show those changes that are needed and start to make the sweeping change that is needed in our country as a whole?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

SmartBoard Templetes and Topics

SmartBoards are showing up in schools and classrooms across the country.  But how many teachers really use them to their full potential?  Most teachers in my school end up using them as a glorified projector!  And while they are useful for projecting material, there are so many other things that can be done with them.  It does take time and effort to learn, but as always, there are plenty of resources online not only to help aide in learning, but also to help teachers develop lessons and activities around the SmartBoard.  The most helpful are templates: the basic settings are there, just add your own information!  It makes it easy on the already overloaded teacher and fun for the students when their classroom becomes more interactive.  Listed below are 5 sites that will help get any teacher started on SmartBoard inclusion.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Are iPads needed?

I recently took an iPad class.  Our school (a high school) just received an iPad cart for our social studies teachers.  Being the new technology coach, I am now wondering and questioning as to whether or not spending so much money to purchase iPads was the right financial decision for our high school students.  Don't get me wrong - I know that they have so many great potentials.  But are they really the best option for high school students or even in schools as a whole?  Or are they more the "hype" an because of that other options aren't always looked into?

Are iPads needed in the classroom?

Friday, July 26, 2013

History of Technology Integration

This is a short video clip from YouTube that showcases how technology has changed over the years. It brings an interesting thought to mind: over the next few years, how will technology change in the classroom? How do we as teachers make sure that we are staying up to date with the changes that are occurring? With how quickly technology is changing these days, as teachers we need to continually learn about new tools available so we don't fall behind in including it in our classrooms.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Audio Assessments

One of the great things about adding technology into a classroom is it allows assignments, projects, and assessments that were not a possibility to now become a reality in the classroom.  Audio is something that often times is forgotten when looking at tools to assess student learning.  However, it does have some benefits.
  1. Students can work on their skills in spoken communication
  2. It allows students that learn in different ways to showcase their learning in a way that works best for them
  3. The use of audio assessment introduces a new technology tool to students
  4. It is easy to share which allows for great communication with parents and other stakeholders
Below is an example of how audio was used in a learning setting.  Students discuss the sites and culture of Paris, France.  By using something like this, a teacher could see what students learned, what impacted them, and their favorite part of a learning experience.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Technology and Bloom

Great article and visual showing how technology can help fortify the different skills in Bloom's Taxonomy.  Thank you Brian Nagy for posting this on the EDTECH Moodle!
I am currently taking an iPad class through a group called Edupsire (available in PA).  There was an article that we needed to respond to that I thought was a GREAT resource about the use of iPads in class.

The article brings up the key idea that as a new technology coach I want to try and get across to the teachers that I am helping (as well as administration).  Technology is a tool much like a textbook, a powerpoint, or flashcards.  We think that it is something big and scarey, but that is because we make it more than it is.  If we think of it as something small that can be used to support and build, it helps to make the integration of it seem less daunting.